Summit First Responder Wellness Center
In January 2023 the Louisville Metro Police Foundation partnered with the Louisville Metro Police Department to establish The Summit Wellness Center with the goal of providing a holistic wellness center for our law enforcement and first responder community. This facility was made possible through a public-private partnership funded exclusively by the generous giving of our dedicated donors. Since The Summit’s opening, we have been able to offer more support to our officers as they serve the community.
The center focuses on building resilience in the mind, body, and spirit through the five pillars of wellness: Mental, Physical, Spiritual, Social, and Financial. The Wellness Center provides mental health services, physical therapy, rehabilitation services, financial counseling, family support services, and more. This groundbreaking facility has become a national model and garnered international attention with visits from the Bureau of Justice, the International Association of Chiefs of Police, and many private police foundations.
We believe that a physically and mentally healthy officer, ready to face the challenges of their job, is the officer we want policing our community. And data suggests that the potential benefits to the community can include reduced use of force, better ability to deescalate intense situations, stronger community-police relationships, and fewer citizen complaints. We are continuing our mission to care for them like they care for us.